What to Do if You’ve Been Injured at Work

Although a work-related accident can happen anywhere, some professions are more injury-prone. Certain occupations, such as meat processors, machinists, and factory and construction workers are simply more likely to be involved in a workplace accident than an office or retail worker. Because Iowa employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, or self-insure against workplace injuries, Iowa workers are protected against the prospect of losing their livelihood to a job-related accident.

Although some workers’ compensation claims are handled without dispute, that does not mean the employee is receiving the full compensation he or she deserves. Unfortunately, some employers and insurers try to minimize benefits or deny claims entirely. This is why it’s critical to take the proper steps to preserve all evidence of your claim from the very beginning of your accident.

Steps to Take after a Workplace Accident

The hours and days immediately following any accident can be hectic. Knowing what to do in advance can help you keep a cool head and a clear vision of the way forward in your workers’ compensation case.

Report the Injury

Report the injury to your employer as soon as possible. If you first become aware of your injury on the weekend, at home, or off the clock, reach out to any available supervisors or managers to let them know you have sustained a work-related injury. It’s important to notify your employer right away.

Take Detailed Notes and Pictures

Collect evidence immediately after your injury occurs. These days, most people have a smartphone or cell phone with a powerful camera inside. Take advantage of this technology. Take pictures of the area where your accident occurred. Additionally, make detailed notes of the time of day, what work task you were performing, what equipment you were using, and the symptoms you first experienced.

You Are Protected against Employer Retaliation

It is unlawful for an employer to retaliate against an employee for asserting his or her legal right to file a workers’ compensation claim. Ed Keane has represented clients who experienced retaliation, and obtained substantial compensation for them as a result of the retaliation.

Iowa Workers’ Compensation Law Firm

Just because the employer or workers’ compensation insurance carrier has agreed to “pay your claim”, that does not mean you are receiving the correct amount of compensation. Your loss of earning capacity caused by a work-related injury may be much greater than the insurance company wants to acknowledge. Attorney Ed Keane also helps Iowa workers whose workers’ compensation claims have been improperly denied altogether. Call Keane Law Firm today at 712-234-3088 to talk about your claim.